Epic as in I'm trying to figure out how I can become a full-time singer and perform for thousands of LOUD and adoring fans.
I think the first requirement for this requires being able to actually sing, so I may be screwed. Although, if we were in the 90's I could totally get by with the help of a little auto-tuning and my totally awesome dance moves.
Say hellooo Britney Spears.
But I digress.
As I was saying, K-Beth and I had the awesome opportunity to experience T-Swift in real life. Well, as real life as you can get stuck in the nosebleed section. K's words...not mine.
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View from the said "Nosebleed" section |
I may have even been a little offended if it wasn't for the fact that it was true. What can I say? When you're 23, you don't have much money...or connections. It's all about the music anyway - right?
Thankfully K-Beth is fairly easy to please. As long as we made it in time to see Ed Sheeran, she was a happy camper. She loves him so much she even bought these shorts that say "Sheeran" across the derriere.
Yeah, my mom gave me a look for that one. What can I say? I can't cramp the girl's style. If she wants to rock the word-butt shorts, more power to her.
I'm pretty sure I've been banned from ever taking her clothes shopping again, though.
Anyway, the point of this very random blog post is to say that watching Taylor Swift in concert had me questioning everything that is my life.
Particularly what I'm doing with it, and where I'm going. Because, let's face it, when you put T-Swift's accomplishments next to mine, her's come out a lot shinier and prettier.
I mean, the girl and I are the same age, and she's already accomplished more than I probably ever will in my entire lifetime.
So - in an effort to make myself feel better about my life and snap out of my mild Taylor Swift caused depression - I made a Top Ten list. A top ten list of things to do before I turn 25, specifically.
Because if I can't write songs with clever lyrics ("Casually cruel in the name of being honest"... that's a lyric that the word-girl in me has been jealous of since I heard it. Or read it. I don't remember which. All I know is that I wish I had written it.) or buy 25 houses by the age of 23, I might as well do something productive.
And interesting.
So here goes...
My Top Ten List of Things to Accomplish Before I'm 25.
{A list I'm sure T-Swift herself would be super jealous of... Just sayin'.)
- Learn to drive on the highway without dying. You laugh, but it's totally true. I avoid the highway at all costs because as soon as I enter the on-ramp images of flippity flip cars and beer guzzling truck drivers enter my head. I'm not really sure why I picture truck drivers illegally drinking, but I do. So just go with it.My parents like to make fun of this little quirk of mine. They even joke that when I'm 50 I'll be calling my mom in the nursing home to drive me across town to go shopping. It would be funny if it wasn't semi-true.
The nursing home part, I mean.
Because remember, I'm conquering my fear of the on-ramp before I turn 25. Watch out truck drivers... I may just be running you off the road this time. - Conquer the art that seems to be pizza dough making.
Not to sound all conceited or anything, but I am a pretty good cook. Give me a complicated recipe to try, and it'll turn out. But give me the challenge of making homemade pizza, and I fail.
It's like a rule of the universe.
I used to blame it on the altitude in Colorado, but now that we've moved back to Texas I'm realizing that wasn't the case. I'm just really, really bad at making pizza dough. It either rises to Mars, burns on the edges, or decides not to bake in the middle.
The Mr. always says it's good, but I think he's lying. Probably because he knows if he criticizes it, I'll have a minor breakdown and refuse to cook again.
And then he'd be screwed. - Finish one of the many books I've been writing. I couldn't imagine my life without words. I have so many unfinished novels and book ideas that I don't even know where to begin. All I know is that publishing a book requires writing a book, so I better get on it sometime soon.
- Take a photography class so I can take artsy pictures that all of my followers on Instagram will be jealous of.
My camera skills are sub-par, to say the least. With the combination of my iPhone camera and my uncreative eye, my photos are boring. And plain. And practically put me to sleep. - Run a mile without passing out on the side of the road.
This is a minor accomplishment in the grand scheme of life accomplishments, but I'm convinced that if I can ever get to the point of running a full mile without stopping, I can do anything.
Granted, that would require having to actually workout and get sweaty, so we'll see how that one goes. - Go on a vacation to somewhere that isn't Texas or Colorado.
The thing about loving Texas when you aren't living in Texas is that you want to take all of your trips to Texas. Now that we live here, however, I'm getting the vacation itch.
I don't care where we go, as long as it's to somewhere we've never been before. Charleston, Savannah, Jamestown, the Florida Keys... they all sound like heaven. And if we can score a cottage on the beach, my life will be made.
Forever. - Learn how to sew.
I've been wishing that the Sewing Fairy would sweep down and grant me her skills for years now. Unfortunately, I have yet to wake up with the acquired skills.
I'm trying to convince my mom to hold a class for me and K-Beth this summer, but we'll see. Apparently she's a very busy lady with very important things to do.
Like hitting Banana Republic and J. Crew for their newest items before anybody else.
At least I know where I got it from. - Pick up the violin again.
When I was in middle school, I was forced to choose an elective class. The problem with elective classes is that if you have no exceptionally great creative talents, you're not going to want to do any of them.
So I was put in Orchestra. With the craziest lady I've ever met.
She seriously put Medusa to shame.
I quit somewhere along the way... I'm not really sure why. It probably had something to do with boys were far more interesting than music in high school.
Oh, the error of my ways. - Do something that matters.
I'm not really sure what this entails quite yet. All I know is that at the end of my life, I want to have made a difference. And by 25, I hope to make some kind of small difference in the world. - Buy a house to call home.
Ok - so it won't be me buying the house. It'll totally be Josh because he's the one that makes all of the money.
Yay him.
I've already started looking. There's something about being able to hear everything in the apartment above you to motivate you to look for a more permanent establishment where you can run the disposal at 10:00 without fear of getting a letter from your apartment agency.
Not that that's happened.
If we do end up buying a house before we turn 25, I have a few specifications. Like that it must be this one. Because I am in love with it.
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Photo from Realtor.com |
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